Big transactions require big trust. For that, you need a REALTOR®.
Alabama REALTORS® is the largest real estate trade organization in the state and is dedicated to the advancement of property ownership for all of Alabama. We uphold the highest standards of professionalism in the industry because we believe that buying and selling property isn’t just a transaction, it’s a personal milestone. A milestone attained through working with someone who is a true expert at the buying and selling process. You can be sure a REALTOR® has your back while standing by your side. So, when it's time to move, move forward with a REALTOR®.

Tips for Choosing a REALTOR®
Do your homework when searching for a REALTOR®. Attend their open houses, ask for references, and how long they've been working in your desired market. Use the search tool below to find the REALTOR® that's right for you.
Why Use a REALTOR®?
REALTORS® can help you wade through the cumbersome and often complicated paperwork that goes hand-in-hand with any real estate transaction, making sure the proper forms are filled out correctly and submitted on time.
REALTORS® can tap into the latest technologies serving the housing industry today. This includes websites and multiple listing services, as well as market reports detailing crucial data, such as pricing trends, time on the market, and historical sales activity in your neighborhood.
Local Knowledge
REALTORS® have the ability to provide the “on the ground” perspective that is not available from the web. They know their market and have first-hand knowledge about a neighborhood’s amenities and services, such as schools, zoning laws, and tax rates.
Selling a home calls for solid negotiating skills. A REALTOR® can assist with the critical negotiations included in every real estate transaction, and help sellers to work with buyers to finalize the many details that comprise a final purchase agreement.
As a seller, your REALTOR®’s role may include negotiating a sale price, such as so-called “buyer incentives” that help with a buyer’s closing costs or other expenses. Your REALTOR® also can help you determine what, if any, repairs you may be responsible for, if requested by the buyer, and negotiate deadlines for their completion.
If you’re selling a home, a REALTOR® can save you time and money by tapping into market data, reports, and local knowledge to help you determine a realistic selling price, screen potential buyers, and manage appointments for showings.
Closing Support
A REALTOR® can provide objective support during the closing process, ensuring both seller and buyer have received the proper documentation for successfully completing a sale transaction, and coordinating a final property walk-through.
The REALTOR® Difference
Little known fact: not every real estate agent can call themselves a REALTOR®.
A REALTOR® in Alabama is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, the Alabama Association of REALTORS® and a local Association of REALTORS®. As members of America's largest trade association, REALTORS® subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics and pledge to preserve, protect, and advance the right to real property for all, keeping abreast of the ever-evolving real estate landscape through continuing education opportunities.
Your best interests at heart. That's a REALTOR® difference you can be sure of.