Since the relaunch of AAR’s legal forms in 2019, AAR has made access to its legal forms and legal services available for purchase by non member real estate licensees. Alabama is one of several states that operates under the Thompson doctrine, established in Thompson v. Metropolitan Multi-List, Inc., 934 F.2d 1566 (11th Cir. 1991), which mandates that REALTORS® associations provide non member real estate licensees with access to essential services and avoid tying the provision of such services to membership requirements. The Thompson decision has had a lasting impact, particularly in the Eleventh Circuit's jurisdiction, which includes Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. It has influenced policies regarding access to essential services, ensuring that essential real estate services are available without compulsory association membership.
Subscription Details
Non-members licensees holding an active Alabama real estate license can purchase a 2025 Alabama REALTORS® Legal Forms Subscription. With your purchase and subscription, you’ll gain access to legal resources, including:
Legal Forms
The Alabama REALTORS® 2025 Statewide Legal Forms reflect the most up to date information and developments in state and federal law. Responsive to industry changes and created by our team of attorneys using feedback from brokers, agents, and consumers across the state, Alabama REALTORS® Legal Forms can be used in your business for transactions statewide.
Live and Recorded Legal Webinars
AAR provides comprehensive online training webinars to guide users through the updates and changes made to the 2025 Statewide Legal Forms. These informative sessions are designed to help real estate professionals stay informed and compliant with the latest legal requirements and industry standards. To accommodate busy schedules, all webinars are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing, allowing participants to access the content anytime, anywhere.
In-Person Legal Trainings
Alabama REALTORS® is hosting in-person training sessions at various locations across the state to help real estate professionals become familiar with the 2025 Statewide Legal Forms. These interactive sessions provide a valuable opportunity to learn about the latest updates, ask questions, and gain practical insights into using the forms effectively in real estate transactions. Please note, legal forms trainings are not eligible for CE credit.
Legal Line
The Alabama REALTORS® Legal Line can provide you with instant, real-time answers to your basic legal questions on laws governing real estate professionals and real estate transactions, along with questions regarding the use of the Statewide Legal Forms.
Brokers must purchase a forms subscription for all agents in their brokerage to ensure compliance, copyright protection, and full access to these valuable resources.