Consumer Outreach

Consumer Outreach

Consumer Editorial Contributor
Time Commitment: Low
Contribute consumer-relevant articles, tips, and/or other helpful information that can be used in outreach efforts in one or more of the following areas:

Consumer tips or information on home and property buying or selling process
Consumer information on home improvement, design or maintenance
General consumer-relevant articles, tips, and/or other helpful information that can be used in outreach efforts

Broker and Member Spotlight
Time Commitment: Low
Nominate a broker or member to be recognized in a spotlight feature promoting his or her contributions to the real estate industry and community.

Community and Development Spotlight
Time Commitment: Low
Nominate a community or special development to be recognized in a spotlight feature promoting the unique things Alabama’s communities and developments have to offer. 

Alabama REALTORS® Foundation - Disaster Relief Outreach Volunteer
Time Commitment: Moderate
The Alabama REALTORS® Foundation supports disaster relief efforts throughout the state and provides opportunities for our members to help fellow REALTORS® and homeowners in times of natural and man-made disasters in Alabama. Participate in volunteer training coordinated by AAR and the Alabama Emergency Management Agency that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster.

First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account Program Ambassador
Time Commitment: Low
Promote the Alabama First-Time Homebuyers Savings Account Program to banks and lenders in your market and encourage them to participate in the First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account program.

2020 United States Census REALTOR® Ambassador 
Time Commitment: Low
Promote participation in the 2020 United States Census in your market and community. The 2020 Census is vitally important to Alabama and its future economic growth and development. REALTORS® can be the voice to help encourage the highest participation possible and ensure everyone in Alabama is counted in the upcoming 2020 Census.