Alabama REALTOR® Peyton Norville Named Winner of Distinguished Service Award
May 22, 2018
Alabama REALTOR® Peyton Norville of Birmingham was named a winner of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Distinguished Service Award (DSA) at the Board of Directors Meeting in Washington, D.C. Saturday. The honor is awarded yearly to no more than two of NAR’s more than 1.3 million members. This prestigious award will be presented at the 2018 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in November in Boston.
NAR established the DSA in 1979 to honor REALTORS® who have made outstanding contributions to the real estate industry and who serve as leaders in their local communities. The award is considered the highest honor an NAR member can receive; recipients must be active at the local, state and national association level, but must not have served as NAR president.
“It means a great deal to me to win this award because it is such a high honor,” said Norville. “I am extremely humbled and shocked to be singled out of so many REALTORS® who are deserving of this award.”
Norville earned his license as a Real Estate Broker in November of 1972. He then founded Norville-Randolph, REALTORS® and later merged the firm with Lawrence Arendall Humphries in 1996, serving as its Executive Vice-President for eight years. His professional designations include GRI (Graduate, REALTOR® Institute), CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) and CRB (Certified Residential Brokerage Management Specialist). Norville is certified by the Alabama Real Estate Commission as a Continuing Education instructor in License Law, RECAD (Real Estate Consumer Agency and Disclosure Law) and Risk Management.
Norville has served as president of both the Birmingham Association of REALTORS® and the Alabama Association of REALTORS®. He has been awarded The Tom Rast Cup by Birmingham REALTORS® and The David D. Roberts Award, The Robert Jemison Jr. Award and The Above and Beyond Award by Alabama REALTORS®. He is a director of both the Alabama and National Associations.
The Alabama Association of REALTORS® (AAR) is the largest statewide organization of real estate professionals comprised of over 15,000 members from 26 boards and 1,200 real estate companies. United by adherence to a Code of Ethics, our members work as real estate professionals in the sale, lease, appraisal, management and development of residential, commercial, rural and resort properties throughout Alabama.
The National Association of REALTORS® was founded in 1908 and is America’s largest trade association with approximately 1.3 million members including NAR’s five commercial real estate institutes and its societies and councils. REALTORS® are involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries and belong to one or more of some 1,400 local associations or boards, and 54 state and territory associations of REALTORS®.