Capitol News and Notes: Week 2
March 19, 2019
A Look Ahead
Since last week’s legislative activities were included in Week 1 of Capitol News and Notes (CNN), this week’s CNN will look ahead to the coming weeks. This week, the Legislature currently plans to meet as a body for three days, holding its 2nd, 3rd and 4th legislative days. Typically, Wednesdays are reserved for committees to meet. Today, March 19, both houses convene at 3:00 p.m., but neither house has announced what bills it will consider.
With the gas tax increase signed into law last week, the Legislature will likely take up big-ticket items, such as the annual approval of the General Fund and Education Fund budgets, a lottery, Medicaid expansion and prison reform, among others. The budgets will be filed by the Governor today, as required by law. Governor Ivey has previously stated that the budgets will include raises for state employees and teachers, as well as increases for prisons and Alabama’s premier pre-k program. More details to follow after the bills are filed.
Also, Senator Jim McClendon (R-Springville) held a press conference this morning announcing two pieces of lottery legislation. One bill is a constitutional amendment allowing a statewide lottery, and the second bill provides the details and rules for the statewide lottery. According to Senator McClendon, his bill splits revenue from the lottery 50/50 between the General Fund and Education Fund.
While not official, the Legislature may consider breaking for Spring Break next week.