Request for Real Estate as an Essential Service
March 24, 2020
Late last week, Alabama REALTORS® and a coalition of real estate, construction and banking groups submitted a request to Governor Kay Ivey that real estate services and related activities be included as essential services should Alabama follow stay-at-home orders issued by California, New York and other states. The Department of Homeland Security’s Division of Cyber and Infrastructure Security (HHS) issued an advisory memorandum on what HHS believes to be essential services. Real estate activities are not included in the definition provided by HHS. The HHS guidance is advisory and non-mandatory but may be persuasive as a default position for state and local government in the absence of more information.
Alabama REALTORS® will continue to advocate for the ability of our members to continue to work responsibly under health guidelines put forward by the state and federal authorities during this time. More updates will be published on the Coronavirus Resource Page as information develops.