Member Services Survey Summary 2021
April 26, 2021
The Alabama Association of REALTORS® conducted an all-member survey this spring on member benefits, resources, and services, along with a few other industry relevant issues. We appreciate everyone who took the time to participate in the survey. A summary of the results can be found below:
What do you consider to be the most valuable member benefit, product, or service you receive from the Alabama Association of REALTORS®?
- 21% of respondents listed Public Policy as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (lobbying for REALTOR® issues, advocating for private property rights, and fighting harmful legislation).
- 18% of respondents listed Legal Forms as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (standardized real estate forms, transactional contracts).
- 14% of respondents listed Consumer Awareness as the most valuable member benefit, product or service (targeted advertising to potential homebuyers/sellers on the value and importance of using a REALTOR®, emphasizing REALTORS® as the local market experts, shareable graphics and content).
- 13% of respondents listed Real Estate News and Information as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (breaking news on important real estate-related issues, Alabama specific information, Real Estate Alabama newsletter).
- 12% of respondents listed Professionalism as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (Graduate REALTOR® Institute, code of ethics enforcement).
- 11% of respondents listed the Legal Helpdesk as the most member valuable benefit, product, or service (access to Association legal counsel to help members with legal questions or concerns).
- 9% of respondents listed the REALhealth and Wellness Insurance Program as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (health, dental, vision, and other insurance).
- 5% of respondents listed Errors and Omissions Insurance as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (partnership with Pearl Insurance to offer members comprehensive Errors and Omissions Insurance).
- 3% of respondents listed the Alabama REALTORS® Foundation as the most valuable member benefit, product, or service (disaster relief support, benevolence fund, scholarships for member children).

What additional benefit, product, or service would you most like to see offered by AAR?
The two highest responses were:
- Member technology helpline to help agents with computers, software, and technology needs.
- REALTORS® safety service to help members conduct quick background checks.
What is your biggest need from the Association to help you in your business?
The most frequent responses mirrored the services rankings. Advocacy and protection; legal forms; advertising and marketing the value of using a REALTOR®; communication on important issues and news; and training and professional development were the most frequent responses.
On the state of the market:
How confident are you in the real estate market and the economy over the next 12 months?
71% of the respondents were very to somewhat confident. 22% were very to somewhat concerned. 7% were neither confident nor concerned.

What are the biggest issues you are seeing in your business and/or real estate market?
- Limited inventory was the highest response.
- Housing affordability was the second-highest response.
- Increased material costs was third.
- Increased government fees and regulation was fourth.
- General uncertainty due to theCOVID-19 pandemic was fifth.
- Limited access to the court system to conduct essential business was sixth.
- Access to broadband was seventh.

What issues concern you about the future of real estate?
- Unknowledgeable agents.
- Lack of professionalism in the industry.
- Consolidation by industry giants.
- Lack of broker training, supervision.
- Technology.

When will you be comfortable attending in person event with large crowds of 300-400 people?
- Now (33%)
- I’m not sure (15%)
- This summer (14%)
- When vaccines are more available to the general public (13%)
- After the pandemic ends (12%)
- I’d prefer to continue virtual events (7%)
- This fall (6%)

The member survey had a participation rate of 5%.
Of the members who participated in the survey, members identified as: residential practitioners (89%); commercial practitioners (4%); resort, condominium and second home properties (3%); rural and recreational land sales (1.5%); property management (1.5%); new home sales and construction (1.0%).
Of the members who participated in the survey, the respondents’ years of experience were the following: 1-10 years of real estate experience (44.7%); 11-20 years of real estate experience (27.8%); 21-30 years of real estate experience (15.8%); 31 or more years of real estate experience (11.6%).

Of the members who participated in the survey, the respondents’ status with their company was the following: Agent (51.8%); Association Broker (18%); Qualifying Broker (16.7%); Owner (9%); Other (4%).