Alabama REALTORS® Announces Endorsements for 2022 Primary Election

Alabama REALTORS® Announces Endorsements for 2022 Primary Election

The Alabama REALTORS® Political Action Committee (ARPAC), the political arm of the Alabama Association of REALTORS®, has made its endorsement of candidates for the primary election to be held on May 24. The candidates endorsed exhibit a commitment to home ownership, private property rights, and economic growth and development. 

“We are confident these candidates will work alongside REALTORS® to ensure the continued growth of home and property ownership in Alabama,” said Margi Ingram, ARPAC Trustees Chair. “Together, we can work to protect and further advance Alabama’s thriving real estate industry and the communities, developments, and businesses that benefit from it.”

“We are proud to support candidates who understand the importance of private property rights, property ownership, and economic growth to our members and our state,” said Jeremy Walker, Alabama REALTORS® Chief Executive Officer.

To view the full slate of endorsed candidates and learn more, visit


Key Dates

May 9: Voter Registration deadline

May 17: Last day to apply for an absentee ballot by mail

May 19: Last day for voters to apply for absentee ballot in person

May 23: Last day for voters to hand-deliver absentee ballot

May 24: Absentee ballots returned by mail


Voting Resources