Shortcuts to Success in Real Estate

Shortcuts to Success in Real Estate

You’ve likely heard the expression, “You don’t have to reinvent the light bulb.”  The idiom admonishes you to not waste time learning how to do something when someone else already knows how to do it. As a REALTOR®, a vast reservoir of knowledge is available for you when you seek out those who have achieved success or mastered a skill and are willing to share. These mentors can help you avoid obstacles and shorten the learning curve to reach your real estate goals. Seek out and develop key relationships to find your shortcuts to real estate success.



Who do you believe is the most successful REALTOR® in your brokerage or market? Every region has real estate superstars who set the bar for others.  Become involved in your local and state association and you likely will discover the REALTORS® others reach out to for advice.  

Look for the REALTOR® who has achieved what you want to achieve and invite him to lunch. Be honest and tell him you admire his success and would like to learn how to be a better REALTOR®. Pick up the check and you may walk away with a new friend and mentor who can help you leapfrog to success and avoid some pitfalls.



You’ve seen REALTORS® who make social media, technology, client management, or marketing look easy.  Maybe they’ve mastered artificial intelligence or videos on Instagram.  Find those who have achieved excellence in an area where you’re a novice and ask for some one-on-one learning so that you can ramp up your skill level. 

Take advantage of your association’s events where you likely will find the experts you need.  Visit websites and social media platforms to discover which REALTORS® stand out.  Ask for an opportunity to meet and ask questions.  


Role Models

Who in your market seems to have it all – success, work/life balance, community influence? Take a close look at their best practices such as customer service and client appreciation. Do they have a daily routine that you can emulate? Listen to their advice on how to manage your time and energy to ensure success at home and at work. found that “68% of new agents who find success have a mentor to lean on for guidance, support, gut checks, training, and education." Among agents that survived five years in the business, over 60% had a mentor. 

Finding the REALTORS® who can help fast track you to success is worth the investment of your time and effort.  Emulating the best in your market can make a significant difference in your rate of success. Just remember, as you draw from the reservoir of knowledge and skills, be prepared to replenish it when you become a role model for others.