Association Partners: Call for ACTION: Support Annual Cap on Property Tax Increases with No Expiration
April 24, 2024
Dear Association Partners,
Good morning- I am writing to follow up on the call for action we have discussed on previous calls. A direct link to the Call for Action landing page can be found here.
Earlier today AAR sent out a Call for Action to our members to ask that they take action to contact their legislator on an important bill moving through the legislature.
Background: For the last several years annual property tax assessments have increased rapidly across the state. Many existing home and property owners are struggling to pay the increases. Many do not have the resources to challenge local government tax assessing officials.
House Bill 73 was filed earlier this session to cap annual property tax assessments at 3% for residential property and 5% for commercial. Many of the states around us have enacted similar provisions to protect home and property owners. As the bill was moved through the legislature, local government officials lobbied in the House of Representatives to amend the bill to a 7% cap on both residential and commercial property. They have also added a sunset provision that would END the tax cap in three years.
HB 73 is now pending in the Senate. The Call for Action is asking legislators to amend the bill to have a 5% cap on both residential and commercial properties with no sunset. The tax cap needs to be permanent to be effective.
Please ask members to complete the call for action. A direct link to the Call for Action landing page can be found here. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.