June 2024 Membership Report

June 2024 Membership Report

Statewide Membership


June has shown growth with statewide REALTOR® membership at 18,773¹, an increase of 106 members, a 0.57% increase since the end of June last year. 

Overall year-over-year membership experienced growth in June of 2024, with an increase of 72 members, representing a 0.38% increase since the end of June last year. Overall membership is currently at 18,983.


Local Membership

Alabama REALTORS® is experiencing growth at eight out of twenty-three boards with double-digit growth at two of those boards. 


Large Boards

  • Huntsville Area Association: 1.81%

Medium Boards

  • Cullman Board: 1.01%
  • Marshall County Board: 17.62%
  • Morgan County: 2.05%
  • Northeast Association: 2.68%
  • Shoals Association: 15.68%
  • Southeast Association: 4.62%

Small Boards

  • Talladega Board: 9.30%
Membership Report   Medium & Small Boards (8)

National Membership


According to the NAR Membership Report², NAR has a total of 1,523,832 members. For states in the medium category, Alabama had the second highest year-over-year membership growth for a total of 0.25%. 


¹Alabama Membership Report includes REALTOR®, REALTOR® ASSOCIATES, Institute Affiliates, Affiliates, and Non-Member Salesperson memberships.

²Membership numbers are taken from NAR’s Monthly Membership Report and include REALTOR® and REALTOR® ASSOCIATES only.