Celebrating the Retirement of Connie Addie

Celebrating the Retirement of Connie Addie

After over 35 years of dedication and service to the REALTOR® industry, Connie Addie is set to retire from her role as Executive Assistant at the Montgomery Area Association of REALTORS® (MAAR) this month. As Alabama’s longest-serving staff member within the REALTOR® organization, Connie’s retirement marks the end of an era and the beginning of a well-deserved new chapter in her life.

Connie’s tenure at MAAR is a testament to her commitment and passion for her work. Over the years, she has become an indispensable part of the association, known by members and colleagues for her attention to detail and her deep knowledge of the real estate industry. Her contributions have not only supported the day-to-day operations of MAAR but have also played a significant role in shaping the association's growth and success.

According to Connie, interacting with MAAR’s members has been the highlight of her career. “Being here as long as I have, I’ve had the chance to get to know our members on both a personal and professional level,” said Connie. “We talk about the REALTOR® family because that’s truly what it is, a family. Many of us have been together for so long and the bonds we’ve formed over the years are incredibly special.”

Throughout her career, Connie has witnessed and adapted to the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate industry. Her ability to navigate changes and challenges to best serve the real estate professionals of Montgomery is a skill that has not gone unrecognized, and her expertise and knowledge will be greatly missed.

Brad Owen, CEO of the Montgomery Area Association of REALTORS®, applauded Connie’s contributions, stating, “Connie Addie has been the cornerstone of MAAR for the last 35 years, shaping officers, directors, members, staff, and especially me. Her dedication and reliability have been invaluable to everyone at MAAR, and I couldn’t have made it all these years without her. Whatever the task, Connie always made it happen. Her impact on MAAR and our successes over the years is unmatched. Connie won’t be replaced; we will simply strive to continue the legacy she has built. We wish her the best in retirement and many safe travels. Thank you for everything, Connie.”

As Connie prepares to bid farewell to her professional career, she leaves behind a legacy of excellence, dedication, and a lasting impact on the real estate community. Her retirement is not just a celebration of her achievements but also a reminder of the influence one individual can have on an entire industry.

The Alabama Association of REALTORS® extends its heartfelt gratitude to Connie Addie for her many years of exemplary service and wishes her a fulfilling and joyous retirement.