Association Partners: Dues Payment Upload to MW Process - Effective 2025 Dues Cycle or Jan 1, 2025

Association Partners: Dues Payment Upload to MW Process - Effective 2025 Dues Cycle or Jan 1, 2025

Dear Dues Billing Officers, 

To help streamline the dues billing process and ensure all member dues information can be easily accessed by members and all levels of the Association, AAR will require that all member dues be uploaded to members' accounts in the NAR M1 platform by the POE.  This will become effective with the 2025 dues billing or by January 1, 2025 and can be achieved through your Board’s AMS, utilizing NAR Invoicing, or manually entering payments via the POE. Please note that all EFT’s sent to AAR must be manually uploaded to the NAR M1 platform by the POE.

Steps for Uploading Dues Payment into M1:

 Local Board’s AMS (AMS with the capability to upload to M1) – while every AMS is different, these are the basic steps: 

  1. Contact AMS provider to request this function be enabled.
  2. Receive instructions from AMS provider to map or code the fee items correctly.
  3. Map or code the fee items using the following codes:
  1. NATL = National Dues
  2. IMAG = Image Awareness Assessment
  3. STAT = State Dues
  4. NW = New Member Fee
  5. REIN = Reinstate Fee
  6. RPAC = Realtor RPAC Contribution
  7. PACB = Broker RPAC Contribution
  8. LOCL = Local Dues

4. Enable this function from your settings.

NAR Invoicing:

  1. Sign into NAR Ecommerce.
  2. On the Dashboard page, choose “Invoicing & Billing Notice”.
  3. Choose the “Financial Worksheet”.
  4. Choose the correct Set Up Year from the “Billing Year” dropdown.
  5. If you have set up a previous year’s dues, you will have the option to select the fees you wish to be added to the new year’s invoice – if not, choose skip.
  6. On this page, you will see that all the National and State fees are added for you.
  7. If you need to add any new Local fees, choose “Create New Fee” and fill in the screen – for more detailed information, click the blue question mark on the right of Create New Fee on this screen or you can reach out to me for assistance. 
  8. Once you have completed these steps, this will automatically generate your members’ invoices, which they will be able to pay through their NAR account.

Manually entering payments (Boards without AMS and do not choose to use NAR Invoicing – ALL EFT sent to AAR will require this process):

  1. Sign into M1.
  2. Choose “Member” from the “Choose a Record” dropdown.
  3. Enter the NRDS# of the member and find the member’s account.
  4. On the member’s account page, scroll down and choose the “Member Dues Payments” box.
  5. Choose “Add Dues Payment”.
  6. Choose the corresponding payment type with the correct YEAR from the “PAYMENT TYPE” dropdown:
  1. LOCL (YEAR) = Local Dues
  2. RPAC (YEAR) = ARPAC Contributions
  3. STAT (YEAR) = State Dues – please combined all State dues and fees then enter using this payment type (State Dues plus all State Fees)
  4. IMAG (YEAR) = Image Awareness Assessment
  5. NATL (YEAR) = National Dues
  1. Choose the correct year from the “BILLING YEAR” dropdown.
  2. Enter the payment amount in the “PAYMENT AMOUNT”:
    1. When entering dues manually, please combined all State dues and fees (Reinstate or New Member Fee) then enter the total using the STAT (YEAR) payment type.
    2. When entering ARPAC, please select the correct “CONTRIBUTION TYPE” from the dropdown menu (Personal or Corporate) – this is the only payment type that needs this distinction.
  3. Enter the correct date in the “DUES PAID DATE”. 
  4. Click the “ADD DUES PAYMENT” button. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Missy Crouch or Melissa Williams if you have any questions or require further assistance.  We appreciate all you do.