Letter to the Membership: October 8, 2024

Letter to the Membership: October 8, 2024


 Dear Alabama REALTORS®, 

I hope this letter finds you well. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 30th at the Alabama Association of REALTORS® Building at 522 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL. Sign-in will begin at 9:45 am. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am or immediately after the AAR Board of Directors Meeting that will occur earlier that morning. If you are planning to attend, please be sure you RSVP at the link below! 

The purpose of the meeting will be to consider governance proposals from our Governance and Elections Presidential Advisory Group (PAG) that has been meeting for nearly three years. The PAG’s recommendations will include updates to the Association’s Policies and Procedures, to be considered by the Board of Directors, and proposed changes to the Bylaws, to be considered by the Membership. The proposals will reflect the dedication of many members who have generously contributed their time away from their businesses and families for the betterment of the state association and its members. We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to this process. A resource page to review the meeting information can be found here. 

Governance Proposals and Recommendations: Here is an overview of the governance proposals and recommendations: 

  • Motion 1- Articles of Incorporation: This proposed update to the Articles of Incorporation aligns our organization with recent changes to state law. Our Articles of Incorporation were originally filed in 1949 and last updated in 1969. Since then, state laws have changed significantly. In response to the Alabama Legislature’s updates to the Non-Profit Statute (2023) and the creation of the Statewide Trade Association Act (2024), the proposed update to the Articles of Incorporation would bring consistency with the new laws. The proposed update would reflect our existing practices as outlined in our bylaws and policies, without altering our current operations. Additionally, the proposed update will remove outdated references, such as AAR being a male-only organization, and update the name of the National Association to its current name. (Motion 1 can be found on the Resource Page) 
  • Motion 2 – Article V: This proposal would clarify policies for filling office vacancies and establishes a process to ensure timely replacements, minimizing disruption to the Association when these circumstances arise. (Motion 2 can be found on the Resource Page) 
  • Motion 3 – Article IX: This proposal would update the broad elections policies in the bylaws. The Association’s policies provide greater detail on election procedures, timelines, candidate qualifications, and background checks for officer candidates. The policies also introduce campaign rules and a complaint and violation process (Motion 3 can be found on the Resource Page) 
  • Motion 4- Articles IV, XVI, XVII, XIX: This proposal would update the Bylaws to improve clarity and understanding. (Motion 4 can be found on the Resource Page) 

Attendance/ RSVP: Please let us know if you will be able to attend by RSVPing at the link here so that we can be sure we can accommodate everyone. An RSVP is required for attendance. Lunch will be provided after the meeting, and the dress code is business casual. Parking is available at the Association’s lot at 502 Washington Avenue. 

Please reach out to myself, CEO Jeremy Walker, or Melissa Williams prior to the meeting if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. 

Thank you for your support of our Association! 

Warm regards, 

Senia Johnson 

2024 President 

Alabama Association of REALTORS® 

Slade McElroy 

Governance & Election PAG Chair 

Wes Grant 

Governance & Election PAG Vice-Chair